Mistakes are made….
Our biggest mistakes are over complicating a situation. We get emotional and
our human brain spins out of control with unuseful thoughts that create
negative emotions.
We start to over communicate and we get the same in return. This only
creates more complications. Ugh!
Practicing “space” for yourself can be your best skill. Stay centered with the
challenge and choose what needs to be said clearly.
Short and sweet, no need for extra explanations, just a sentence or two.
For example:
“I’m very unhappy with ……..
I’d like some time to think about it before I make a decision.”
“I don’t like it when ……….. Please stop.”
When we blame or shame, pointing the finger at someone else, we will get
the same in return. It doesn’t help improve what’s wrong.
It’s best to explain yourself the simplest way possible.
“Simple” offers clarity and direction.