As I’m writing this in the early morning as usual, I’m thinking about all of 2024 and all that I’ve learned.
I faced many challenges and saw I had more capacity and capability with handling them thanks to all my coaching lessons.
That took my thoughts back to the beginning of my coaching exposures. Coaching has taught me to love more, except what I can’t change and love it for what it is. Working with what is and finding growth and service within it.
While I can say: I certainly didn’t like all of it, I was able to appreciate the experience and get curious with it. Asking myself the basic questions to rise above it and allow for growth because of it.
My struggles have been both great and small. Massively heartbreaking and tremendously challenging, but always offering powerful growth. I can be grateful for my growth, therefore appreciating the experience too.
Some of what life dished out to me were beautiful experiences anyone can have. My heart is full, overflowing with gratitude for this. I’ve learned how to appreciate the tiniest of gifts, as well as the obvious. Coaching has given me the awareness and balanced mindset for becoming the who I want to be with all life gives me.
I’m curious of what surprises are in store for 2025? I know it will all be good, even the challenges, because of my capabilities. I’m investing in myself to continue to grow and educate myself to use whatever comes next to benefit me. I have big plans to achieve more, help more, serve more and to love more.
I wish you the same. Have a beautiful end of 2024, enjoy every last day of it. Plan for 2025 to create whatever you dream of, the possibilities are endless. Believe in yourself ✨
Thank you for being a part of my life, I appreciate you.
Happy Holidays!